Grade 5 Lesson


Simple Machines





1. Name and identify the 6 simple machines and how they work



Day 1



-         Develop a K-W-L chart with students on what they already Know, what they Want to learn, and at the end of the unit fill in what they have already Learned about simple machines.


-         Have on hand a variety of simple machines and have students match the corresponding simple machine name to the item on display.  This activity can be completed again at the end of the unit with different items to verify understanding.


-          Go over the various types of simple machines and how they can be used:


-          The inclined plane

-          The wedge

-          The lever

-          The wheel and axle

-          The pulley


-         Write each simple machine on a sheet of chart paper.  Number the students in the class from 1-6.  Have all the one’s go to one simple machine, all the two’s to another, and so on.  Provide the students in each group 1 minute to write as many items as they can that correspond to their simple machine.  After one minute as elapsed, have them move on to the next simple machine and continue until they have had an opportunity to respond to all 6 simple machines.


-         Have students post the chart paper up on the wall and go over as a class.  Create discussion with the class about these machines and their uses.







1.      Identify examples of machines that have been used in the past and have developed over time (205-8, 105-5).


Day 2  Lesson


-         Review the 6 simple machines through a quick matching game in small groups or as a whole class. 


-         Allow students to view various selected archived photos from the “Assembly Line” section of “All in a Day’s Work” Virtual Exhibit from the NB Museum.


-         Have them work in pairs to identify simple machines they discover in the photos.  Provide them with various time frames so they can identify any changes that have occurred with these machines.


-         Have the pairs of students write a short paragraph on how they think this simple machine assisted the workers during that time and how they think technology has changed over time.  These are based on their observations and previous knowledge of the subject.


-         After they have gone through the selected photos, have them select one photo that they would like to do a research project on.  This project could have them reconstruct a simple machine, based on the photo chosen, and provide information on how it changed over time, how it was used, and what is currently used today.


-         Using the photos from the virtual exhibit, will assist students with observing the changes over time which in turn will assist with their research of the simple machine.


-         This project could be done during Heritage Week and put on display for the school and parents.